Monday, March 25, 2013


Met his mom for the first time yesterday. I wanna share some. For me the first impression seems  to be okay. Just fine. Tuhan je tau how scared I am how nervous I am. But He ease everything.  

Yes I woke up early yesterday to meet boyfriend before he went back to hometown to visit his Wan. After I met him without took any shower I watched Running Man and had lunch. Suddenly boyfriend whatsapp me said that his mom asked him to ask me to follow. At first didn’t want to but when boyfriend said ‘bila lagi’, I changed my mind. Then boyfriend asked me to get ready and picked up after Zuhur prayer.

As I got in the car. Salam mama dia and smile. His mom smile back at me. Okay GOOD SIGN! Dalam masa perjalanan didn’t talk much. Better this way sebab banyak cakap nanti salah kata might ruin the first impression. Who knows.

Lepas makan tengah hari dekat sana me and boyfriend pergi belakang rumah took some of Pelam and Kendondong balik Shah Alam. That’s the story of yesterday. His mom was really kind. Lembut je orangnya. Not as I expected. Happy. May God and his mom bless our relationship till marriage. Amin J

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


1) Looking for a better job and career.

2) Study PJJ in UITM
     * Human Resources Management
     * International Business Management

3) Start up a business
     *Stock and delivery
     * Management and customer satisfaction.

These are my 2013 target. I bet it’s gonna be a busy year. I’m gonna do all important things in life for my future which are CAREER, BUSINESS and STUDY. I know it takes time to succeed but am gonna try my harder to do all of them within this year. Not sure can start all of them within this year but I’ll try. THINK POSITIVE!

Reminder for myself.  Don’t procrastinate anything. Do what you really wanna do and MEAN IT. Well maybe it’s gonna fail sometimes but not all the times. BE POSITIVE!

 I don’t want to waste my young age. The opportunity. Only once in a lifetime. All I do is for the best of my future and my family.
